Manifesting Miracles

What is Selah?

selah Aug 16, 2023
Woman meditating

Every day, countless individuals express their frustration about not having enough personal time, or you've probably heard people frequently mention that there aren't adequate hours in a day. But think about this: even if we were given more hours, would we still find ourselves short of time?

Back in 2015, I had to make a significant choice for my own well-being. I wasn't content with how I was being treated, and the outcomes of those experiences were far from satisfactory. This prompted me to take action, and that action was embracing Selah. Now you might be wondering, what exactly is Selah?

I'm glad you asked. SELAH means to pause and reflect. Our world emphasizes the need to constantly hustle and grind to achieve success and productivity. However, what we often overlook is the power of taking a moment to pause, reflect, and most importantly, to breathe, express gratitude, and yes, even allow ourselves to rest through a daily nap. Engaging in these practices has truly empowered me. 

Did you know that intentional breaks can lead to substantial boosts and breakthroughs? I mention this because understanding the potential of breakthroughs that can arise from Selah moments might encourage you to incorporate them into your routine more consistently. 

From my own personal journey, I've observed that taking ten-minute breaks throughout the day not only enhances productivity but also uplifts overall well-being. Devoting these short intervals to focused breathing can be transformative. It amplifies creativity, alleviates feelings of fatigue, and surprisingly, infuses an energy boost. These moments bring emotional reinforcement, physical renewal, clarity, and enable you to engage with others more positively and authentically. Most importantly, the days feel more purposeful.


Expressing gratitude is a key to longevity. No matter what life brings, there's always something to be thankful for. This simple practice shifts perspectives, postures, and empowers you. It's time to regain your sense of empowerment by incorporating pauses and reflections into your routine.

Here's a favor I'd like to ask: dedicate just seven days to intentionally embrace Selah moments—pausing, reflecting, and expressing gratitude three times a day: in the morning upon waking up, just before lunch, and as the final act before bedtime. It's a straightforward practice—simply breathe, breathe, breathe. Create a no-phone zone, allow yourself to release, reflect, and recharge. You'll be amazed by the profound strength found in stillness.

I eagerly anticipate hearing how Selah transform your life. Consider creating your own Selah Spa at home and sharing your experiences with me. Wishing you a wonderful day enriched with the Selah experience.


Manifesting Miracles


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